


Where do we start?

Everything… begins with the word of God… everything!  This includes the life change or changes in our circumstance that we may be currently looking for. The word of God is able to break, change or rearrange anything and everything that is contrary to His purpose and plan for our life. If you have a life circumstance that is different to how God intended it to be, all you need to do is search through His word to find His perspective on the matter and you will have everything you need to bring about the change you are looking for.

One Word

You are always only just one word away from change… One word from God.  This is because the word of God is alive, with His own Life contained within it! (Hebrews 4:12). When God gives you a word, He is giving you His own life giving power (John 6:63), a transfer from heaven complete within itself the ability to perform the very thing  that word is instructing. Once you receive that word your change is guaranteed… but that’s not the best part. The best part is that He Himself will bring about the change you are looking for (Philippians 2:13 / Ephesians 3:20). All you have to do is guard, nurture and treasure that word (that seed) until you can see its truth with your heart. Focus on that word until you are fully persuaded that the word you have received is already true, (remembering that God’s word is true, even before you can see it). God’s word IS the truth whether you see it or not! 

Realising the truth

In this natural world seeing is believing… but for those of us who have been born again, (who walk after the things of the spirit and not according to the physical things we can see in the flesh), only after believing in our hearts will we see with our eyes, the reality and the manifested truth of God’s Word.
