About Us

You were born to be king...

A community for all...

The Community of Kings is a teaching ministry with the sole intent on building people… We aim to encourage as many as possible to recognise that God has appointed all mankind to be kings, and to accept their position as rulers and representatives of God's kingdom here on the earth. 


Encouraging  believers...

We also encourage born again believers to take up their responsibility as heaven's magistrates and to accept their God given mandate to establish the kingdom of God everywhere they go.

We are here to assist as many as are willing,  to gain a better understanding of their true Identity in Christ and discover how we can actually demonstrate the love and power of God instead of just talking about it!


“Our teaching is not so that we can grow in intellectual knowledge that we can repeat, but so we can have a real encounter with God and  'experience'  a demonstration of His love and power in and through our lives"


Realising the power of letting go...

By renewing our minds to our true identity and learning 'how to learn and how to grow in the spirit'  we become more spirit focused and spirit led so that we can practically gain access to all of the promised benefits of the Kingdom of God.


Change by default...


The more we discover and focus on what God has to say about who we are,  is the more we discover and realise just how unconditionally God loves us and the power we already have through Christ.  It then becomes almost impossible for our lives and the lives of those around us not to become dramatically changed.



The truth really will set you free...

The truth is that God wants to bless and give to us more than we could even dare to imagine.  He has promised that if we would simply focus on the things He would have us do, every one of our needs will be supernaturally met... He Himself will ensure that absolutely everything we need will be ours.

(Matthew 6:33)


I dare you to believe...