Kings In The Earth (6)

  • I am a legitimate child of God and He has created me in his own image


  • When I was born again, I received God's own life in me


  • I therefore carry the very life of God within me My born again spirit was conceived by the word of God


  • Therefore the almighty God is my legitimate father


  • I am an heir of God


  • I am an heir of the Kingdom of God


  • I have been sent to the earth as an ambassador of God’sKingdom


  • I am not a sub heir, I am a joint heir with Christ


  • I am an equal heir seated with Him in Heavenly places


  • All things are under His feet, therefore all things are under my feet


  • The earth and all its resources are my inheritance


  • I am a king, and I am ready to walk in my calling


  • I will represent and reveal the kingdom of God everywhere I go


  • I am ridiculously blessed and highly favoured of God