Our Identity In Christ (1)

  • I am a new Creation in Christ


  • My life has been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, therefore I have become a brand new species of being


  • My old life is over, and I will not turn back


  • My Body is now a temple of the Holy Spirit


  • I carry the very life and power of God within me


  • I no longer set my mind on the things that gratify the flesh


  • I commit daily to walk in the spirit



  • Christ has become my source of power and root of holiness


  • Therefore, I daily bear the fruit of the spirit


  • I renew my mind daily, to God’s precious promises of Blessings


  • I renew my mind daily, to know I have already been made righteous


  • I renew my mind daily, to know I have already been healed


  • I renew my mind daily, to know I have already been delivered


  • I renew my mind daily, to know I have already been made prosperous


  • I renew my mind daily, to know I have already been restored


  • I renew my mind daily, to the undeniable truth of God's word and that everything I need, has already been provided


  • I am abundantly blessed and highly favoured

