


How annoying is it to arrive at your house, car, or place of work only to remember that you have forgotten to bring your keys! The things you need are right there, inches away, you can even see it through the window… but you can’t access it… if only you had remembered to bring your keys!


Keys are usually relatively small and seemingly insignificant items. However, we often take for granted the gravity of their impact on our lives… until we need them. Not only do they give access to the things we need, keys also keep people from stealing or destroying the things we deem valuable and allow us to choose whom we will grant access.


Regardless of what you need access to or what you want to protect, the word of God is your Key! However busy your day is set to become, do not forget your keys… do not forget God’s word. Keep them in the ‘safe’ of your heart. Keep your eyes on them, always being mindful of where they are. They are the only way of accessing the things we need and the bountiful storehouse of what we have been given. They are the only means to protect the treasures we have (Proverbs 4:20-232 Peter 1:2-4)


Your Keys To The Kingdom

The revealed word of God is your master key to the kingdom. Like the key to a car, it is the only thing that will turn on your faith engine and allow you to move forward. There is no 'coasting' in the Kingdom… you are either on fire for God and pressing forward, or you are moving backwards. Like walking up the down escalator… you can’t stand still without moving backwards! This is because there is contrary force and activity consistently working against you. Whilst it is true that we have a greater force, a greater power that is working for us, this force is only effective when it is active. (Mathew 16:19)


Let Me Explain

Imagine a plane in full flight, if you switch off the engine it will begin to fall. Without the forward thrust of the engine it cannot stay in flight. It may glide for a while but its trajectory will be downward… why? because of gravity. Deception, unbelief and the lies of the adversary are like gravity, constantly pulling against you, consistently pulling you away from the truth, this is why you cannot afford to switch off your faith engine. In order to stay in flight, you must resist the force of gravity with the forward thrust of the engine. The only way to grow in the Kingdom Is to constantly and consistently resist the enemy, actively fighting against his lies and deceptions with the truth of God’s word. (James 4:7)

"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."


Stay In The Word

Don’t allow your engine to stall… The word of God is the only thing that can fuel your faith engine and keep you in flight, the only power that can keep you moving forward. When the fuel of God’s word ignites your faith, it generates an explosion of power that is able to break, change or rearrange anything and everything that is resisting your progress and contrary to God’s purpose or plan for your life. (Joshua 1:8

Don’t stall… stay in flight. Submit yourself to the living word who is able to keep you from falling…